Category Archives: Uncategorized

NEVER FORGET The Church Committee Findings of 40 Years Ago. By © Guido Colacci​ 2017

40 years ago we cared about the covert intrusion of the government and its agencies in our lives and in the lives of those globally. Today, it is MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER too remember the findings of fact by the Church Committee and how instead of fighting this over reach into our lives, we actually are giving away our rights in the name of some “alleged security” against those that would do us harm. Ironically, the people that would do us the most and everlasting harm are the very people that are protecting us. Let us NEVER FORGET the findings of The Church Committee concerning the actions of the CIA, FBI, the Military Industrial Complex (still in its formative years) and the U.S. Department of State and Military. 40 years ago, was only a brief glimpse into what was going on covertly that we knew NOTHING about. Today that has multiplied a hundred fold given our technology and the dumbing down and passivity of the overall general American public. Also today, the media is not “your father’s media” of 40+ years ago… the media as a PR arm of the government is as or more important and necessary than if it was a Cabinet position. 99% of the media has been unified into 5-6 corporate entities all controlled by interests that go against the general good and safety of the public. And the reason I say it is more important than ever is because of the rate and speed that news gets reported. They (the media) have to be on top of things and first in reporting and disseminating the “official story” the government needs the people to believe and also to disseminate disinformation to those that are on the fence about believing the government, in what was once called “radical press” to today’s “alternate media.” Again, the point is to NEVER FORGET what we learned about the CIA and FBI and the Military Industrial Complex and the shadow government of our own country. For anyone to think “our country would never do that” has only to look at the facts uncovered 40 years ago and then flat ahead to today and see just what they are capable of. In conclusion, it is important to NOT BELIEVE ANY government story, any MSM story that parrots the Government story or any6 “alt Media” that goes off the grid in its logic and probability to “falsely combat” the official story. In other words, you should be scared, you should be VERY scared, especially of your own government. Honestly, there is no country, religion, terror group that can harm us or that wants to harm us other than our own government. © Guido Colacci 2017

A Nightmare of Propaganda and Ignorance by © Guido Colacci 2017

Before I say anything, please know that it matters NOT AT ALL TO ME who won the election, I voted for neither one… Having said that, “the left” and the media is absolutely embarrassing me as much as the right did, that ran Trump and real people, actually voting for him.
The CIA, FBI and NSA have “high confidence” conclusions and proof that Putin ordered the hack to undermine the legitimacy of the election and assist the Republican’s campaign. But that’s the best you’ll get because they WILL NOT release technical evidence that informed these conclusions. In its “Scope and Sourcing” section, the report explains that this evidence exists, but can’t be declassified.
You’re aware of their “high confidence” conclusions. For example, Iraq’s WMDs, that the UN found absolutely no proof of before the war. That Iraq was trying to buy yellow cake uranium from Africa, despite the fact that Joe Wilson investigated and wrote a story for the NY Times saying that he found no evidence of this and in retaliation, the Bush administration “OUTED” his wife, Valerie Plame from the CIA.
And let just say, I could write a BOOK on the covert operations of the CIA and FBI, and their interfering in governments around the world, but that is NOT what this is about… this time its about WHY should we take their word on ANYTHING WITHOUT ANY PROOF… if I was gonna do that, I would start believing in religion…
Truth is, in its first half-century the CIA got lots of things wrong. In 1948it failed to predict a coup in Columbia that resulted in a civil war that has still not ended. In 1950 it failed to foresee intervention by the Chinese in the Korean War. 1968 the agency was surprised by the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia, a failure repeated in 1979 when the agency failed to predict the They continued to cry “the sky is falling ” about the EVIOL of the Soviet Union’s power and intentions almost until the very moment the Berlin Wall came down, an event soon followed the actual collapse and breakup of the Soviet Union itself.
But this time, we should take their word that they have “high confidence” conclusions that Russia hacked the elections BUT they can’t show you the proof because its classified…you know what, the media is buying it and pushing it and people are BELIEVING IT… and I’m in a corner smashing my head against a wall repeatedly because I JUST DON’T GET IT >>> what the F*** IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE and THEIR THINKING PROCESS ??? HOW CAN THEY KEEP BELIEVING LIE AFTER LIE AND THE MEDIA REPORTING LIE AFTER LIE AND ECHOED SLOWLY BUT SURELY from agency CIA, to agency FBI, to agency NSA, to The State Department, to the president… SOMEONE, ANYONE PLEASE WAKE ME UP FROM THIS NIGHTMARE … PLEASE HELP, I’m drowning in a sea of propaganda and ignorance…its honestly more painful that I think I can bear… there is a part II to this of course which I call “The Attempted Absolution and Redemption of “american voters” and The Eventual Escape of Indictment of the Trump Voter Electorate and Inculpation of Russia and Vladimir Putin For The Hacking and Stealing of our 2016 Presidential Election … And of Course, We Won’t Mention The Mainstream Media, Wikileaks, the DNC, HSA, the FBI and the CIA.But we’ll save that for another time.

The Reasons Why Celebrities and Executives Who Worked at The World Trade Center Missed Their Date with Destiny. By © Guido Colacci 2017

I know I’m ALWAYS going back to it but I was asked on Quora to answer a question… so I did…  what follows here is my response;

The fact that more than 350 people who were originally scheduled to be on one of the four airliners on 9/11 either changed their plans and canceled their reservations–in many cases at the last minute–or simply failed to show up for the flights on the morning of September 11, 2001. While these individuals came from a variety of backgrounds, a remarkable number of them worked in, or had close connections to, Hollywood or other areas of the entertainment industry. Some of them were very well-known personalities. The fact that not one celebrity died that day and that many actually had flights booked on the alleged airplanes that were used and for a variety of reasons either cancelled their flights or changed the flight to another day or just plain missed them, should tell you A LOT. You can look up who the celebrities were. But what is MUCH MORE interesting is the fact that should tell you EVERYTHING ELSE is that NO ONE important,(Silverstein, his kids, Michael Lomonaco, Howard Lutnick, Rod Herzog, Ian Thorpe, Jim Pierce, Sarah Ferguson, Greer Epstein, David Gray Elise O’Kane and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who was scheduled to fly from San Francisco to New York on the morning of September 11, was reportedly warned on the evening of September 10 that “Americans should be cautious about their air travel.” etc etc etc ) seemed to miraculously make last minute changes or were caught in traffic, were late, or had other appointments they suddenly remembered … NO COINCIDENCES of these proportions are possible in the “real world”, the odds are incalculable that these people would be the ones to survive such an “ALLEGED” random event . Quite obviously, many, many had prior knowledge, there are no other explanations. And before people start clamoring “what about Barbara Olson”? It was as proven by the FBI during the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui that NO PHONE CALL either from the seat back phones or from cell phones were made from Flight 93 and that Ted Olson, Solicitor General of The U.S. at the time lied in all three of the interviews he gave to the media about his wife Barbara. And since the only information we have about what happened on flight 93 supposedly came in those phone calls from Barbara which were NEVER made, we must assume Barbara is still alive and is in some sort of witness protection program after having undergone whatever changes she needed to make to conceal her identity. And this is the TRUE, CORRECT and FACTUALLY RESEARCHED answer to your question. You’ll NEVER EVER hear the media mention 90% of this.

Viva Fidel, Viva la Revolución, Viva Cuba, Hasta la Victoria Siempre. By © Guido Colacci 2016

Another one of my great heroes, the Commander In Chief, Revolutionary Icon and former president of Cuba Fidel Castro, died late last night in Havana at the age of 90. All honor to Cuba and the Cuban people there and what great people the Cubans are and what a Great leader Mr Fidel Castro was. He led his country in a very courageous and dignified way despite the intimidation, imposed economic starvation and death attempts by the USA government. He defined himself at home with his staunch belief that true socialism benefitted all people and abroad with his direct and often taunting defiance of Washington. In the end, he essentially won the political staring game. He never once gave in to the U.S. despite over 600+ assassination attempts on his life by the CIA , Mafia and exiled disgruntled Cubans, and 50+ years of an economic embargo by the United States and its allies that left Cuba always struggling economically especially after the fall of Russia. And in 1961, the island nation fended off a CIA-backed invasion known as the Bay of Pigs. Also, rejected by President John Kennedy was the CIA Operation Northwoods, which was to disguise an American jet as a Cuban jet and have it attack a real American passenger airliner killing all the passengers and thus causing outrage and backlash against Cuba from everyone in the United States as in 9/11. For many like me, he was a champion of the poor who along with Ernesto “Che” Guevara made violent revolution a romanticized ideal, a symbol of liberation who overthrew a dictator and brought free education and health care to the masses. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans began fleeing north almost immediately after Castro’s 1959 revolution as he started turning exuberantly capitalist Cuba into a socialist state. The ONLY reason why the US hates Fidel is because he managed to throw them out of Cuba along with their parasitic capitalistic stranglehold and restore independence the distribution of wealth to all Cuban people, and follow an independent path not dictated by Washington. If truth be told the US doesn’t give a rat’s ass about human rights or anything like that despite their hypocritical rhetoric. Cuba’s human rights are better than many nations out there, including the United States, despite the vile propaganda the U.S. media and its disgruntled exiled Miami U.S. “PALS”, (personal ass lickers) Cubans have spread over the last 50 years. Most Cubans are fine. They don’t want a rotted system of capitalism. Because of Cuba not allowing US corporations in Cuba, Cuba has the most pristine areas and water on this planet. Most visitors to Cuba, who tell the truth, are astonished how cuban society is one of social values and happiness. So many people would love to migrate to Cuba from western countries except the USA, they are fully brainwashed, except for myself as if I could pick one place in the world I would love to live it would be in Cuba, despite what a “horrible” country it must be, no McDonalds, no Pizza Hut, no Fox news, little or no Hollywood propaganda junk movies, only free great heath care, free education, lowest infant mortality rate in the hemisphere, solidarity based vehicle share system to make up for shortage of public transport, and a life that is lived for the pleasure not for barely surviving. Great country, great people. His death triggered both mourning and celebration. Mourners and supporters grieved over the Revolutionary who was the ONLY man and country to stand by its socialistic principles and led the way for other countries to overcome their oppression and imperialistic yolk placed on them by the hell and lies of democratic government and capitalistic economic systems. Meanwhile, revelers spilled into the streets of Miami, the center of the Cuban exile community. Thousands of people like little brats and cranky children, they popped champagne, clanged pots and pans, singing and dancing, cheered and waved the Cuban flag in crazy gestures, whooping it up in jubilation, honking car horns and loud music from car radios echoed out disrupting the night, and fireworks lit up the putrid Florida night sky. The exiles who fled with their wealth and no longer protected by the dictator after Castro took power, Cubans fled the island to Miami, Tampa and other Florida cities. They were supporters and beneficiaries of the Batista dictatorship, rich families with huge swaths of property in Cuba, gained by criminal endeavors and favors under Batista, had their property appropriated by the government for everyone’s benefit under Fidel and Che. Things went sour also when these same people realized that the rebels through the criminal courts were going to send officials, supporters and contributors of the old regime to the firing-squad wall. And of course Castro was outraged at the resulting U.S. criticism, calling it “the vilest, most criminal and most unjust hypocrisy that has been launched against any people. And rightly so, it was a tone of righteous indignation, Castro would return to time and again over the decades. As in life, Castro was deeply divisive in death. Older Cubans who remember brutal times under Batista tend to emphasize the revolution’s accomplishments. While those who supported Batista, cry for a way of life that they stole and was soon to be taken away from them for the greater good of ALL the Cuban people. Castro was the last remaining leader from the group of old school leaders including Mao, Salvador Allende, Hugo Chavez, Nelson Mandela, Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev. Mexico’s president Enrique Peña Nieto called Castro a friend of Mexico, who had promoted bilateral relationships based on “respect, dialogue and solidarity.” Pakistani politician, Imran Khan hailed Castro as “an iconic revolutionary leader” who stood against the US. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he was “one of the most iconic personalities of the 20th century, India mourns the loss of a great friend.” We need to truly recall that Cuba at one time, under Batista, was almost turned into the first Mafia nation state until Castro took control and kicked the Mafia and its American casino building friends out. Beware that the same evil group does not try to take the Island over again with the help of the Americans. The current President Elect of the United States has much experience in running Casinos and Hotels and is a capitalistic criminal himself of epic proportions. And let’s NEVER forget that when the US was supporting the racist apartheid government of South Africa’s invasion of Angola to overthrow the revolution that defeated the Portuguese imperialists, Cuba sent thousands of their brothers and sisters to help the people of Angola defend their independence. Thirteen years later the South African racist army with its US ally were defeated and the peoples revolution in Angola was saved. Of Cuba’s role in Angola, Nelson Mandela declared in a speech on July 26, 1991: “The Cuban people hold a special place in the hearts of the people of Africa. The Cuban internationalists have made a contribution to African independence, freedom and justice unparalleled for its principled and selfless character – We in Africa are used to being victims of countries wanting to carve up our territory or subvert our sovereignty. It is unparalleled in African history to have another people rise to the defense of one of us – The defeat of the apartheid army and Cuito Cuanavale was an inspiration to the struggling people in South Africa!” Cuba is now working with the Syrian army as they did in South Africa and let’s hope that they have the same success there. Castro and Cuba even offered us help in the clusterfuck that Bush made out of Hurricane Katrina. Of course we refused. America doesn’t need anyone’s help to fix what we fuck up. So there. LOL. And MOST IMPORTANTLY, let’s not forget for even ONE SECOND, that all those idiots celebrating in Florida voted for Trump as a block, a Cuban block, to be president. Mull that over for a moment and let it sink in. Keep in mind, Fidel Castro was no “thug” he was an educated man, an attorney who studied law at The University of Havana. He has been a guiding light for many all over the world. Even after his death, he will remain so. The American Indians at Standing Rock could use his inspiration now after all the horror they have endured. Hopefully the proud Indians will remember Fidel more after his death. He stood against all pressures of the USA, economic, cultural and military. Let him be their inspiration and example. People often ask me, why I admire Castro and and Che so much. The main reason is that I believe both Fidel and Che had the best interest of the people in mind that drove them to do what they did. I also firmly believe neither one was a politician but humanitarians who were thrust into the role of politician, unlike the insectoids, reptiles and scum that are career politicians and multi millionaires, that are selected as our presidents, who truly don’t give a rat’s ass for any person as much as they care about the economic and corporate bottom lines. Soon after the revolution, Castro set his eye outside the island. “How much America and the peoples of our hemisphere need a revolution like the one that has taken place in Cuba!” he said days after his triumph. “How much it needs for the millionaires who have become rich by stealing the people’s money to lose everything they have stolen!” he added. “How much America needs for the war criminals in the countries of our hemisphere all to be shot to death.” I salute you, Presidente Fidel Castro. Your words inspire and empower me. Bless you Fidel and Bless you Che. You have changed my life and heart for the better. May you finally Rest In Peace. You certainly deserve it. “Condemn me. It is of no importance. History will absolve me.” — Castro in 1953, when the young lawyer was defending himself at trial for his nearsuicidal assault on the Moncada military barracks in Santiago de Cuba. “A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle between the future and the past.” — Castro in 1959. “One of the greatest benefits of the revolution is that even our prostitutes are college graduates.” – Castro to director Oliver Stone in 2003 documentary.

The End of The World, Camelot Was No More by – © Guido Colacci 2016

Not all coups involve tanks and armies in the streets. Not all coups are proclaimed loudly and to all the people … 53 years ago today a coup d’etat took place in the United Staes under the guise of a “lone crazed gunman who murdered President John F. Kennedy on the street of Dallas. In the U.S.A. where history books teach us that there is always a peaceful transfer of power within the rules of a democratic society especially in America where the Constitution guarantees this.
I should have been too young to be taking interest in that dark moment in our history, but I did. For some reason I did, to this day I can remember minute by minute all the events from the moment. There was a knock on the classroom door of my 3rd grade school room just as lunch was ending, and the teacher that was doing lunch duty, Sister Richard Lawrence, went to answer it and was called outside into the hallway. She came back into the room after a few moments, her eyes red and crying… she spoke quietly and told us to pray for President Kennedy as he had been shot at. She didn’t say anything else as she led us in prayer. As I was saying the words I knew by rote, in my mind I pictured President Kennedy hiding behind a fence and ducking as shots were fired at him and he fired back at them like some old western movie. For some reason I remember that we were released right after that and so many people outside the school were speaking in hushed tones and crying openly and some just grasped their child’s hand and walked quickly while some lingered and talked, their faces openly shocked and heads shaking. By the time we got home, my Nonna and I had heard things said along the way home, and I felt an unbearable rush to put the TV on … I did, and there it was, he was dead by then. I remember a jumble of words, interviews, photos and live coverage coming at me from every channel and trying as best I could to understand and to take it in… I was overwhelmed by the information and the way it was told, almost as if the people were trying to get out the words as quickly as they could or they would just explode.
The TV became a safe haven to me, like sitting in front of a fireplace, just hearing and listening and seeing and watching… I don’t remember my parents saying much at all, which seemed very odd to me.
The TV was a constant companion the whole weekend. And then as things seemed to calm down a little bit, right around noon or so suddenly right there in front of this 8 year old’s eyes, the man who police said killed President Kennedy was killed, shot, although while it was happening I didn’t know what was happening until the announcer said “ Oswald has been shot.” And then from another room they took Oswald out on a gurney and put him quickly into a waiting ambulance, which made me wonder, why was there an ambulance parked there in the basement of the police station when they were supposed to be moving Oswald from one jail to another.
In hindsight, I guess that was the moment, that set me off on a study, actually it was more than just a study, it was a journey, a concentration, a cogitation, a questioning and analysis of american political history. In the years which have gone by since the coup in Dallas, I have not missed reading anything, book or magazine or documentary that has appeared on JFK.
In the following years the media, the political leaders, teachers, professors and history books have all urged and insisted that you need to “look forward, not backward” at some perceived wrongdoing, by whomever you believe did the crime, that it was a waste of time and wouldn’t change anything.”
“There is no such thing in America, as an independent press, just as despite the illusion of academic freedom in America’s Universities, there actually is none.
Public and private education is designed, financed and used to lead the students and people away from truth and to instill the adapted values, beliefs and attitudes that make it easier to maintain the “official story” to brainwash, control, distract us and continue to rule over us until we implode, hopefully. Even the “alternate” courses with “liberal open minded professors” still have to stay within the bounds of the course being “investigative or theoretic, hypothetical conjecture.” They cannot teach alternative history no matter how much fact and truth there is to it or it will cost these brave teachers and professors their jobs or worse.
One hundred percent of the mass media and news is still telling us in well choreographed lockstep that the JFK Assassination happened as The Warren Commission said, that Oswald assassinated JFK and was a “lone-nut” communist assassin. Of course, surveys now show that 60-80% of the American People do not believe this at all. The simple minded people who have swallowed the hook, line and sinker of the story always say with conviction, that you wouldn’t be able to keep people quiet if there were so many involved. I will only mention the extraordinary number of witnesses and people connected to the coup that have died, were killed or met their end under suspicious circumstances. I read in the book, Hit List by Richard Belzer, that the odds for so many people dying who were associated or connected to a singular event like the coup in the first ten (10) years are completely incalculable in reality.
To not admit, divert, distract and create a boogeyman or common enemy, has been one of the cornerstones of American political culture, its a characteristic tenet of America to not admit, to whitewash, rewrite, and outright lie and deny. America needs consensus instead of conflict. It is has been the american way since this nation was founded on genocide, bloodshed and outright theft and violence. So the truth is that the coup in 1963 was a complete success.
The ironic part that came to me later in my life was that they actually weren’t telling me to “look forward” they were telling me to look away, to not look at all or at the very least to look away. One hundered years or two hundred years from now, no matter what truths emerge from the shadows of lies, our history of President Kennedy’s death will remain the same. The full story of that day in November 1963 will never be known; sadly, what should have been done, wasn’t done, and what could still be done is not being done.

You May Be A Lover But You Ain’t No Dancer Charlie Manson By © Guido Colacci 2016

You May Be A Lover But You Ain’t No Dancer Charlie Manson By © Guido Colacci 2016

“The best road to truth is keeping an open mind and forgetting 99% of what you have learned in the past from stories, the media and history books.” – Guido Colacci

I have to confess that this has been one of the most difficult articles I have ever written. There is so much information, connections and facts that are hidden and have to be searched out and then putting them into context and trying to make a timeline of it all and showing the pattern is a daunting task for even the most talented of writers. I have done the very best I could. You would think that the state and the government could easily pull off such a hoax today given special effects, the internet, and other advances in social media. Unfortunately, this occurred 47 years ago and has stood for 43 years, without barely any truthers. Let’s begin by looking at the history and politics that led up to it. The alleged Tate/Labianca murders took place in August 1969. Those living through the events of 1969 didn’t have any hindsight on the politics, but today looking back from the year 2016 we CERTAINLY do. As I always say, rule number one, is to never take an event as an isolated incident, but rather to look for the pattern in events to see how they are all connected. Sadly and unfortunately, people back in 1969 still had not learned this basic concept and the term “conspiracy theorist” was only coined perhaps 3 years earlier by the CIA & FBI and applied to people who disagreed with the Warren Commission findings on the JFK assassination or as we know it today, the coup d’état of November 1963. Nixon took office in January of 1969, Richard M. Helms was the Director of the CIA and J. Edgar Hoover was head of the FBI. Both Nixon, Helms and Hoover hated the hippies with a passion and wished to destroy them. They saw them as a real danger in affecting public opinion, discourse and how people would live and protest. Today, this information is part of the public record, we know it from many declassified documents and subsequent events. The hatred of the hippies stemmed from many reasons but mainly two major issues threatened the status quo and very foundations of capitalism. One was that the hippies were non consumers, they believed in sharing not selling, dropping out and living off the land in communes. It began that way in San Francisco with the Diggers and the free clinic etc., etc.. More importantly, they believed in love not confrontation, they believed in peace not war, and this anti-war stance of the new generation was going to hurt war as america’s biggest business and as the biggest money generator. This couldn’t be allowed to happen. It is known that the FBI created an entire mission around infiltrating and discrediting the anti-war movement. See COINTELPRO, which is not a conspiracy theory. It is declassified and common knowledge today. The FBI was not just spying under COINTELPRO. Its stated goal, according to Hoover, was “to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” any anti-war group, including hippies, socialists, the civil right movement, the NAACP, AIM, the National Lawyers Guild, Martin King and even Albert Einstein. At the same time, the CIA had its own version of COINTELPRO, called OPERATION CHAOS. Again, this is not a conspiracy theory any longer, it is now admitted by the CIA. It is known that CHAOS was started by Johnson in 1967 and then expanded by Nixon in 1969. It was directed by Richard Helms. Nixon also linked COINTELPRO and CHAOS. Both these covert operations were offshoots of MK ULTRA OPERATION MIDNIGHT CLIMAX, MK-NAOMI, Operation Mockingbird and experiments and work being done right there in Laurel Canyon at the Air Force Base Laboratory known as Lookout Mountain. The cover was that the facility was used mostly to make military propaganda movies and films on the Atomic Bombs and PSA announcements. Before I actually go into the Manson part of this story there are facts that need to be brought into the light that 99% of people do not know. It is the first week of August, 1964, and U.S. warships under the command of U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam’s Tonkin Gulf. This event, subsequently dubbed the ‘Tonkin Gulf Incident,’ will result in the immediate passing by the U.S. Congress of the obviously pre-drafted Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which will, in turn, quickly lead to America’s deep immersion into the bloody Vietnam quagmire. Before it is over, well over fifty thousand American bodies – along with literally millions of Southeast Asian bodies – will litter the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison was coincidentally the father of the Lizard King himself, Jim Morrison. Opposition to the Vietnam War and the draft peaked in 1968/1969. There was close to a full, all-out mutiny at The Presidio/Fort Baker base where the fathers of both Sharon Tate and Abigail Folger worked in military intelligence. Dozens of armed U.S. soldiers from the Presidio marched in a San Francisco peace rally against the Vietnam War which culminated at The Presidio/Fort Baker base. Sharon Tate’s father is Colonel Paul Tate. Abigail Folger, murdered alongside Sharon Tate in the same house that night, had similar ties to U.S. military intelligence. Her father is Peter Folger, Major Peter Folger, who was a marines major/military intelligence officer (Associate Chief Information Officer) with the famous Black Sheep marine fighting squadron 214 stationed out of Hawaii in WWII. Another amazing and unknown coincidence is that the night before the California Primary, the night before his assassination, Robert Kennedy went to a dinner party at Cielo Drive with Sharon Tate, Roman Polanski, Abigail Folger, and John Frankenheimer. Coincidentally, tragically and sadly, he ate his last meal with two of the victim’s of the Manson family, the director of Rosemary’s Baby – a movie about Satanic ritual – and another director who made the Manchurian Candidate – a movie about mind control, and Seven Days In May, another movie that is based on John Kennedy’s assassination and successful coup d’état. This was his company in the final hours of his life before he was killed. John Lennon and Yoko Ono bought the same set of apartments used as the set for Rosemary’s Baby, which was filmed by Sharon Tate’s husband Roman Polanski just a year before Tate was murdered. Yoko Ono was planning to give birth to son Sean Lennon, and of all the places which she would choose to live would be the same apartment where dead Sharon Tate’s husband Polanski shot a film about a mother and her newborn baby being abused by a satanic cult. They knew Tate and Polanski and actress Mia Farrow (central character in Rosemary’s Baby) well before the murders. They were all in India with Mia Farrow in a huge family get together with the Lennon’s’, Farrow’s, and everyone’s brothers and sisters there doing a TM retreat in Rishikesh right after the filming of Rosemary’s Baby wrapped up in 1968. The Beatles wrote the theme song of Helter Skelter there together with Mike Love of The Beach Boys in 1968, the year before the song became associated with Manson. When Charlie Manson came along, he was the chemical messiah. He had been arrested thirty-seven times in his thirty-five years and not even once for any violent crime. Charlie and his followers could become lawless and amoral and throw around their sex and their bodies, and they latched on to what he calls the “chemical messiah.” Now, you have to ask yourself, for people with NO MONEY, who bought the LSD and the chemicals? Did our government pay Charlie’s way? His bus? His gas? The Spahn Ranch where the Family lived? It’s important to understand how hard it was at the time for an ex con, especially one who had been out of circulation to get back into the mainstream of what was happening. He came out of prison with nothing. He could play the guitar and sing and had nothing else. So where did everything come from that allowed him to recruit people almost at will, supply them with a never ending supply of drugs and give them food and a place to live. I know it HAD to have been all handed to him. The government brought it to him and put on his costume; his leather coat and his guitar and sent him on the road. But to what end did these means justify? Fresh out of prison, no money, no friends, no nothing, Manson drifted into the hippie scene. And he admits he’s another ex-con to everybody and yet he’s still more than accepted. Charlie Manson was schooled on what to do and how to do it because he was going to pretend to be a hippie, but he admitted he wasn’t a hippie, he was a beatnik and hated hippies. They gave him an old school bus and they called it the Manson Family and they headed south. Manson learned to play the guitar, to sing, and write music. This is what he was trained for in the federal prison. Charlie had an inkling for music, and he was a natural. He’s probably horny as hell and wanting to get on the road anyway. And he loved the chicks. He was just perfect for the role; he was just ripe for it. When they let him out of prison, he was going to be a musician; here was Charles Manson, a year out of prison, mingling with Hollywood stars Dennis Wilson and the Beach Boys, Neil Young, Terry Melcher, in 1968. The Manson Family was, somehow, making it with the Establishment. And Manson was going to some of Hollywood’s plushest parties, right in there with the biggest people of all. That’s pretty interesting considering the lawyer that he saw before he got out of. These boys were wined and dined in the music scene, in the art scene, by certain people before the massacres took place. Never lose sight of the fact, the CIA’s prime objective, at the time, was to debunk the ‘hippie’ movement which was proving to be an economical and sociological threat to both the government and its Vietnam war effort. Charles Manson was perhaps a social experiment and that the CIA had not only been supplying drugs to the Manson family but also funding their living. It’s no secret that the CIA regularly experimented with drugs in an attempt at mass mind control. MKULTRA is one of their most famous projects and Manson was in prison during the time they were known to be using inmates at Vacaville prison in the MKULTRA experiments. Tex Watson, a family member and one of the convicted Tate-LaBianca murderers claimed that in the months leading up to the murders, the Manson family had all been taking a drug called ‘Orange Sunshine’ which was manufactured and distributed exclusively by a group known as “The Brotherhood of Eternal Love” where one of the dealers Ronald Stark, had known connections to the CIA. Now, let’s talk about the trial. On November 18, 1969, the District Attorney and his staff selected Vincent Bugliosi to be the chief prosecutor in the Tate-LaBianca case. Vincent Bugliosi headed up the entire INVESTIGATION, PROSECUTION, and PUBLICATION of the Manson saga. That’s ONE man in control of everything. Bugliosi joined in a search of the Spahn Movie Ranch, where police gathered .22 caliber bullets and shell casings from a canyon used by Family members for target practice. The next day, the search party moved on to isolated Barker Ranch, the most recent home of the Family, on the edge of Death Valley. In October, Inyo County officers raided Barker Ranch. Twenty-four members of the Manson Family were arrested on charges of arson and grand theft. Cult leader Charles Manson (dressed entirely in buckskins) and Susan Atkins were among those arrested. In the small house at Barker Ranch, Bugliosi saw the small cabinet under the sink where Manson was found hiding during the October raid. After her arrest, Atkins was housed at Dormitory 8000 in Los Angeles. On November 6, she told another inmate, Virginia Graham, an almost unbelievable tale. She told of “a beautiful cat” named Charles Manson. She told of murder: of finding Sharon Tate, in bed with her bikini bra and underpants, of her victim’s futile cries for help, of tasting Tate’s blood. Atkins expressed no remorse at all over the killings. She even told Graham a list of celebrities that she and other Family members planned to kill in the future, including Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Tom Jones, Steve McQueen, and Frank Sinatra. Through an inmate friend of Graham’s, Ronnie Howard, word of Atkins’s amazing story soon reached the LAPD. About the same time, detectives on the LaBianca case interviewed Al Springer, a member of the Straight Satan biker’s group that Manson had tried to recruit into the Family. Word had leaked to police that the Straight Satans might have some knowledge about who was responsible for another recent murder with several similarities to the LaBianca killings. Springer told detectives that Manson had bragged to him in August at Spahn Ranch, after offering him his pick from among the eighteen or so “naked girls” scattered around the ranch, about “knocking off” five people. When Springer told detectives that Manson had said the Tate killers “wrote something on the…refrigerator in blood”, “something about pigs”, the detectives knew they might be onto something. Still, it struck them as odd that anyone would confess to several murders to someone that they barely knew. It took another member of the Straight Satans, Danny DeCarlo, to move the focus of the investigation decisively to Charles Manson. DeCarlo told police he heard a Manson Family member brag, “We got five piggies,” and that Manson had asked him what to use “to decompose a body.” Based on Ronnie Howard’s account of Susan Atkin’s jailhouse confession and interviews conducted with various Manson Family members, the LAPD eventually identified the five persons who participated in the actual Tate and LaBianca murders. The suspects consisted of four women, all in their early twenties, and one man in his mid-twenties: Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Houten, Linda Kasabian, and Charles “Tex” Watson. Atkins remained in custody at Dormitory 8000. Van Houten was picked up for questioning in California. Watson was arrested by a local sheriff in Texas. Patricia Krenwinkel was apprehended in Mobile, Alabama. Kasabian voluntarily surrendered to local police in Concord, New Hampshire. Chief Defense Lawyers: Irving Kanarek (for Manson), Daye Shinn (for Atkins), Paul Fitzgerald (for Krenwinkel), Maxwell Keith, Ronald Hughes, and Ira Reiner (for Van Houten). The prosecution’s case provided an example of how the U.S. Supreme Court’s Aranda ruling is applied in cases involving multiple defendants. The trial was one of the longest and costliest in California history. Prison inmates similarly told authorities that their cellmate Susan Atkins had described to them in horrifying detail how she and fellow members of the “Family” had killed Tate and her guests, the LaBiancas, and others. In return for a promise of immunity, Atkins repeated her story to a grand jury in December 1969, implicating Manson and others in the Tate-LaBianca killings. Ironically, Manson was already in jail. He had been arrested in October and charged with receiving stolen property. “Family” members Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten were indicted on murder charges and arrested. Charles “Tex” Watson, whose bloody fingerprint was found at the Tate house, was arrested at his parents’ home in Texas. Watson’s attorney forestalled his extradition for nine months, arguing that pretrial publicity made it impossible for Watson to get a fair trial in California. The Los Angeles district attorney decided to prosecute the others charged in the Tate-LaBianca slayings without waiting for Watson’s arrival. Prosecutors lost Atkins’ cooperation in March 1970, three months before the case came to trial. After a short meeting with Manson in jail, she retracted her confession and declared that she had invented the story implicating him, Krenwinkel, and Van Houten before the grand jury. Although the four “Family” members were to be tried together, the prosecution was required to abide by the rules of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1965 Aranda decision. Statements made by one defendant, such as the stories Atkins told her cellmates about the “Family’s” bloody deeds, could not be introduced as evidence against her co-defendants. The prosecution’s task was further complicated by the fact that Manson had not been present at the Tate house the night of the slayings. Deputy District Attorneys Aaron Stovitz and Vincent Bugliosi had to try to convict Manson on the seven murder counts based on the theory that the cult leader had ordered the killings. Manson’s request to be allowed to represent himself was denied. At first angered by this refusal, Manson then accepted Irving Kanarek as his attorney. Worldwide publicity about the case made finding an unbiased jury unusually difficult. When Judge Charles H. Older read a press account of a conference in his chambers, the infuriated judge moved to limit public speculation, about the case. He imposed a “gag order” barring the lawyers and witnesses from speaking to the press about matters not entered as evidence. Stenographers and other court officials were forbidden from giving or selling transcripts of the case to the press. When testimony began July 24, 1970, Manson arrived in court with an “X” scratched on his forehead. He considered the trial a “game” in which he was being judged by a society unworthy and incapable of understanding him. In protest, he had symbolically “X’d” himself from the world. Atkins, Krenwinkel, and Van Houten followed Manson’s example by burning an X into each of their foreheads. Opening statements began on July 24. On November 19, 1970; after nearly four months of testimony by prosecution witnesses, the state rested. On that same date, November 19, 1970, Attorney Paul Fitzgerald stunned the court by resting the collective defense without calling a single witness and without having presented any evidence. The courtroom exploded. The three “Manson girls” Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Leslie Van Houten all jumped up and shouted about how they wanted to testify. Even when order had been restored, the threesome insisted they wanted to take the stand, to tell the jury they’d killed Sharon Tate and the others on their own, that Charlie had nothing to do with the killings. That’s when Hughes stood up and told Judge Older, “I refuse to take part in any proceeding where I am forced to push a client out the window.” Fearing their clients would incriminate themselves, the defense attorneys threatened to quit if the judge allowed the testimony. Judge Older accused the defense of trying to wreck the trial. In chambers, attorneys for the women explained that although their clients wanted to testify, they were strongly opposed, believing that they would, still under the powerful influence of Manson, testify that they planned and committed the murders without Manson’s help. Returning to the courtroom, Judge Older declared that the right to testify took precedence and said that the defendants could testify over the objections of their counsel. Atkins was then sworn as a witness, but her attorney, Daye Shinn, refused to question her. Returning to chambers, one defense attorney complained that questioning their clients on the stand would be like “aiding and abetting a suicide.” Hughes later told a reporter that he was confident that he could secure an acquittal for Van Houten. After that, Manson was allowed to make his own statement to the court, but WITHOUT THE JURY PRESENT, so that potentially excludable testimony relating to evidence incriminating co-defendants might be identified before it prejudiced the jury. Hughes repeated his objections and advised his client and the other two women not to testify. Older halted proceedings there, and ordered a ten-day recess so the opposing teams of attorneys could prepare their closing arguments. By December 2nd, Hughes had been missing for nearly two weeks. Judge Older gave up. He appointed a new attorney, Maxwell Keith, for Leslie Van Houten and ordered the proceedings to continue. The women threw a fit and demanded the judge let them fire all their lawyers, and then reopen their defense. Keep in mind that this is the SAME judge, who would NOT grant a change of venue even with all the negative publicity leading up to the trial and who when Kasabian was about to be cross-examined the trial was shaken by comment from an unexpected source. President Richard M. Nixon told reporters in Denver, Colorado, “Manson was guilty, directly or indirectly of eight murders.” Nixon’s remarks were meant to criticize what he perceived as a tendency of the media to glorify criminals, and the White House quickly issued a statement denying any intent to prejudice the case. Nevertheless, Manson’s defense, arguing that such a statement by the president made a fair trial impossible, motioned for a mistrial and demanded that the charges against him be dropped. Judge Older denied the motion. The next day in court, Manson stood and displayed a newspaper with the headline, “Manson Guilty, Nixon Declares.” Judge Older questioned the jurors about their reaction to the headline. Satisfied that they would remain impartial, he ordered the trial to resume and sentenced Atkins’ attorney, Daye Shinn, to three nights in jail for leaving the newspaper within Manson’s reach. So when court reconvened, all four defendants pitched another fit. They accused Older of doing away with Ronald Hughes. So the judge booted all of them out of the courtroom and carried on regardless. Hughes didn’t turn up again until March 29, 1971. A couple of fishermen found his body wedged between rocks in a gorge-like section of Sespe Creek. After four months in the water and weather, his remains were in such a state, they had to be identified by means of dental X-rays. The autopsy couldn’t determine the cause of death. It was ultimately ruled ‘Undetermined’ and the Sheriff decided to call it an accidental drowning, something he defended to the bitter end by the way. This is a list of the most important witnesses called by the prosecutor in no particular order;  Linda Kasabian killer given immunity for all 5 murders  Ruby Pearl the manager of the ranch working for Mr. Spahn  Barbara Hoyt former Family member  Harold True, the owner of a home near the Labianca residence where Charlie and the family stayed for a while before the Labianca murders  Virginia Graham/Virginia Castro, cell mate of Susan Atkins  Paul Watkins, Family member and Manson’s foremost recruiter of young women  Juan Flynn, a Spahn Ranch worker  Al Springer  Danny DeCarlo a motorcycle gang member furnished police with tips about Manson  Shahrokh Hatami, friend of Sharon Tate and photographer who testified Manson came to the Tate home looking for Terry Melcher  Rudolph Weber, owner of house where Tex, Linda, Katie and Susan stopped to hose off the blood from the Labianca house  Sergeant Gutierrez PD first officer on the scene at the Tate home  Dr. Thomas T. Noguchi, Los Angeles County Coroner  Dr. Katsuyama deputy medical examiner for the Coroner’s Office Without a doubt, the most damning prosecution witness was Linda Kasabian, a former “Family” member who was granted immunity in return for her testimony. Over protests by the defense, who held that Kasabian’s use of LSD and other drugs had made her incapable of distinguishing fact from fantasy, she described sex orgies, drug use, and Manson’s domination of all facets of “Family” life. To some judges, however, the procedure cannot be justified. It “results in serious impairment of the rights of the accused to a fair consideration by an impartial jury of the competent evidence produced against him.” It is a “fiction” and a “naive assumption” about the way juries can function. The rule calls upon the jury to perform “mental gymnastics” which is beyond not only their powers, but anybody else’s.” Involuntary Confessions: The Allocation of Responsibility between Judge and Jury. Writing for the four dissenters in Delli Paoli v. United States, Justice Frankfurter stated: “The fact of the matter is that too often such admonition against misuse is intrinsically ineffective in that the effect of such a non-admissible declaration cannot be wiped from the brains of the jurors. The admonition therefore becomes a futile collocation of words and fails of its purpose as a legal protection to defendants against whom such a declaration should not tell. … The Government should not have the windfall of having the jury be influenced by evidence against a defendant which, as a matter of law, they should not consider but which they cannot put out of their minds.” To these critics, the rule is not basic to our jury system and is not needed to preserve the system. Instead it is a rule that perverts the jury trial since it calls upon ordinary lay people to obey an instruction that every judge realizes cannot be obeyed. It fosters what one scholar refers to as our “inconsistent attitude” toward juries. We treat them “at times as a group of low-grade morons and at other times as men endowed with a superhuman ability to control their emotions and intellects.” Whether or not these criticisms of the present rule require its abrogation, a question we consider later herein, they clearly foreclose any assumption that error in admitting a confession that implicates both defendants is rendered harmless to the non-confessing defendant by an instruction that it should not be considered against him. At best, the rule permitting joint trials in such cases is a compromise between the policies in favor of joint trials and the policies underlying the exclusion of hearsay declarations against one who did not make them. “It is difficult, if not impossible, to prove that a confession which a jury has found to be involuntary has nevertheless influenced the verdict or that its finding of voluntariness, if this is the course it took, was affected by other evidence showing the confession was true.” “The girls tried to really tell how it all came down, but nobody would listen. People couldn’t believe anything except what the media said. The media had them programmed to believe it all happened because we were out to start a race war. The media, called us a “family.” And it was the only true thing they said. We were a family. We were mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, son. And so for the love of a brother, a brother who was in jail on a murder rap, all those killings came down.” Bobby Beausoleil, 1981 (Quote Source: Truman Capote) Robert Beausoleil, who is now thirty-one, is the real mystery figure of the Charles Manson cult; more to the point, and it’s a point that has never been clearly brought forth in accounts of that tribe, he is the key to the mystery of the homicidal escapades of the so-called Manson family, notably the Sharon Tate, LaBianca murders. It all began with the murder of Gary Hinman, a middle-aged professional musician who had befriended various members of the Manson brethren and who, unfortunately for him, lived alone in a small isolated house in Topanga Canyon, Los Angeles County. Hinman had been tied up and tortured for several days (among other indignities, one of his ears had been severed) before his throat had been mercifully and lastingly slashed. When Hinman’s body, bloated and abuzz with August flies, was discovered, police found bloody graffiti on the walls of his modest house (“Death to Pigs!”), graffiti similar to the sort soon to be found in the households of Miss Tate and Mr. and Mrs. Labianca. However, just a few days prior to the Tate, Labianca slayings, Robert Beausoleil, caught driving a car that had been the property of the victim, was under arrest and in jail, accused of having murdered the helpless Mr. Hinman. I am going to include part of Bugliosi’s closing statement from the trial transcripts because I really believe that if you as a juror did not have the media circus and lies told prior to the trial, and were not allowed to hear any testimony from any witness and the defense presented no case, you might well have just bought into the nightmare fairytale. (The following is taken verbatim from Bugliosi’s closing argument to the jury). “Briefly discussing the rules of law under which these defendants are guilty of these murders, you will recall my earlier discussion, beginning with my opening argument regarding the law which you are going to be dealing with during your deliberations, all of these defendants are charged in count eight of the indictment with the crime of conspiracy to commit murder. Conspiracy is nothing more than an agreement, getting together, agreeing to commit a crime, followed by an overt act to carry out the object of the conspiracy. Conspiracies can be and normally are proven by circumstantial evidence. In this case, we proved the conspiracy by direct evidence; Linda Kasabian, ladies and gentlemen, was present with these defendants and she told you everything that happened in her presence. To have a conspiracy it is not necessary that the conspirators enter into any formal agreement. All that is necessary is that there be a meeting of the minds; that they be working together toward a common goal. You saw a witness who took that witness stand with one and only one purpose in mind, to tell you everything she knew about these two nights of murder. Although she testified for eighteen days, I am convinced that long, long before she was through testifying, long before that, it was obvious to each and every one of you that Linda was telling the truth. She was given immunity from prosecution of these crimes. Although the evidence at this trial shows that Charles Manson was the leader of the conspiracy to commit these murders, there is no evidence that he actually personally killed any of the seven victims in this case. However, the joint responsibility rule of conspiracy makes him guilty of all seven murders. Since Charles Manson was not one of the actual killers of the seven victims, and since Susan Atkins was not one of the killers of Mr. and Mrs. LaBianca, under what rule of law are they guilty of these murders? Manson is guilty of all seven counts of murder under the vicarious liability rule of conspiracy. It is also called the joint responsibility rule of conspiracy. “When you go back to that jury room you may consider this as circumstantial evidence against Manson, Atkins, and Krenwinkel on the LaBianca murders. Bugliosi, who labeled Manson as “diabolical” and the girls as “mindless but bloodthirsty zombies” in his summation to the jury on January 15th, said the trial was filled with “drama and excitement.” He said that despite the pretrial publicity, the “jury is 12 people from our community who made up their minds solely on the evidence.” So many people are curious and confused about Charles Manson they really don’t know that he killed no one, that there was no evidence linking him to any of the murders. They have been brainwashed to believe he is the worst serial killer in american history. They just don’t understand what happened to Manson. The district attorney who prosecuted Manson’s case used people as his witnesses that were bribed and/or threatened. For example, his star witness was a young woman (who was present at both nights of murder) who received immunity from murder charges in exchange for her testimony against Manson. The only way a case could be made against Manson was to bring him in on the crimes through conspiracy. The district attorney, with the help of bribed witnesses, attention seeking witnesses, a circus and style media that sensationalized every bad point about every bad person or event in the history of the hippies and placed it all on the shoulders of Charles Manson. Bugliosi then constructed the motive theory of “Helter Skelter” out of thin air, threw in parts about a race war, there were secret messages in Beatles albums, the Black Panthers, a group of kids who did nothing but participate in lurid drug crazed sex orgies and devil worshipping hedonistic low life bums with no morals or any conscience, who were also cold blood killers who were said to have cut a baby out of a pregnant woman’s belly when she was in her eighth month of pregnancy, which if you look at the crime scene photos and read the coroner’s report IS NOT TRUE AT ALL. The prosecutor goes on to accuse Manson of “brainwashing” the killers and the rest of “the family” in a cult-like setting. The murders were allegedly carried out in order to start this “Helter Skelter race war”, whereupon the members of “the family” would then find a bottomless pit to hide in until the war was over and they emerged to rule the new world. Thus, the murders were all Manson’s fault because he brainwashed the killers and then instructed them to kill the victims. This motive theory is completely false, implausible, absurd and absolutely laughable, so much so that you KNOW it HAD TO COME FROM THE CIA/FBI. From The NY Daily News Los Angeles, Jan. 25 – Charles Manson was convicted today as the “diabolical” dictator who ordered seven murders and his three girl co-defendants were found guilty as the “mindless but bloodthirsty zombies” who butchered actress Sharon Tate and others at his command. All four were convicted of first degree murder and now face life imprisonment or the gas chamber. The defendants sat like stones – silent and expressionless – as they heard the court clerk read aloud the 27 verdicts and heard their seven men and five women juror individually agree that this was their true verdict. Only Manson called out, remaining seated in his chair, as the jurors left the trial room. “How come we were not allowed to put on a defense?” he said, in a low but clear voice. Then, staring at Judge Charles H. Older, he called to him: “You won’t outlive that, old man – dad – hey dad – look at the truth over here. Hey!” Then, walking out of the trial room surrounded by guards, Manson again paused as he passed the bench of the 52-year-old judge and said: “You’ll never live to see the day.” The Tate-LaBianca jurors also found Manson, 36; Patricia Krenwinkel, 23; Susan Atkins, 22, and Leslie Van Houten, 21, guilty of what the prosecutor said was a “chilling, unearthly conspiracy to commit wanton orgy of murder.” Leslie was charged only with the murders of Mr. and Mrs. Leno LaBianca, and with conspiracy. The others, including Manson, who was not accused of actually killing any of the victims, were charged with all seven murders and with conspiracy. The jurors, who took 42 hours 40 minutes to agree. Manson’s attorney, Irving Kanarek, denounced the trial as “entertainment for the public.” He accused former District Attorney Evelle Younger, recently elected state attorney-general, having “created pre-trial publicity to win the election.” “It is incredible, beyond belief,” the lawyer said, “that a criminal trial should have been used for political purposes.” The announcement that the jurors had reached a verdict was made in as weird a fashion as everything else in this weird trial. Reporters sitting in the trial room heard only one buzz, the signal that means the jurors had a question or wanted coffee. The regular verdict signal is three buzzes, which can be heard plainly in the trial room. “There’s a verdict,” they whispered to some of the reporters. It was learned that Judge Older, rather casually, had said to them: “By the way, gentleman, you should know the jury has a verdict.” This is from The NY Daily News; LOS ANGELES, March 29, 1971 — The three young girls who confessed to murder without remorse, and the man described as their “satanic” master, must die in the gas chamber for the Tate and LaBianca killings. Neither Charles Manson nor his three followers were in the courtroom as the death penalties were read. They were ousted by Judge Charles H. Older when they interrupted the proceedings. The death penalties for Leslie Van Houten, 21, Susan Atkins, 22, Patricia Krenwinkel, 23, and Manson, 36, were returned by their jurors at 4:25 p.m. today, after 10 hours of deliberation. With all four defendants listening over a public address system, Darrow read seven death penalties for Manson, Miss Atkins and Miss Krenwinkel, two death penalties for Miss Van Houten, and death penalties for all on conspiracy to commit murder. This probably was the first murder trial of such importance in which the defendants were not present to hear their verdicts. It was also believed to be the first in which a judge, after the jurors were polled, left the bench and shook the hands of the jurors, seven men and five women, and the three alternates. The jurors based their verdicts on evidence presented during a nine-week penalty phase of the trial that was as bizarre, full of unprecedented events, and as dramatic as the 32-week guilty-or-innocence phase preceding it. In a final statement, the girls said Manson knew nothing about the killings, and that it was the girls alone who decided to commit “copy-cat” murders in an attempt to free their “brother” in the Manson family, Bobby (Cupid) Beausoleil, from prison for the murder of Gary Hinman. Judge Older set April 19 for sentencing, and said he would also listen then to defense motions for a new trial and for reduction of sentence. The judge has the power to reduce the death penalty to life imprisonment. Appeals from death sentences are automatic in California. When you look over this whole debacle of a trial which is rife with loads of no brainer appeals, mistrials, acquittals, prejudiced polluted jury pool, prosecutor and defense attorney indicted for 3 counts of perjury each, Charlie not permitted to represent himself, Charlie was not permitted Habeas Corpus, Charlie was not permitted to testify with the jury present, there were clear signs of planted evidence, witnesses who were bribed, witnesses who were not called to testify by the defense, in fact, THEY HAD NO DEFENSE TEAM AT ALL, they were all plants except for perhaps Hughes, who was murdered at the end of the prosecution’s phase of the trial. There was ONLY hearsay and secondhand hearsay evidence, flimsy circumstantial evidence, admission by prosecution that defendant was not present at either murder scene and did not participate in any way with the actual murders and there was absolutely no evidence linking him to any of the murders. There was one appeal and that was in 1976 and was denied. People V Manson (see below) … He has been imprisoned since 1969. He has been denied parole 12 times and will not be considered for it again until 2027, when he would be 92. It is sad, but undoubtedly true, that parole boards are political bodies that base decisions as much upon anticipated public reaction to their decisions as on a careful review of a parole applicant’s prison record and statements. People v. Manson [Crim. Nos. 22239, 24376. Court of Appeals of California, Second Appellate District, Division One. August 13, 1976.] THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. CHARLES MANSON et al., Defendants and Appellants (Opinion by Vogel, J., with Thompson, J., concurring. Separate concurring and dissenting opinion by Wood, P. J.) COUNSEL Albert D. Silverman, under appointment by the Court of Appeal, Daye Shinn, Maxwell S. Keith, Kanarek & Berlin, Irving A. Kanarek and Roger Hanson for Defendants and Appellants. Evelle J. Younger, Attorney General, Jack R. Winkler, Chief Assistant Attorney General, S. Clark Moore, Assistant Attorney General, Norman H. Sokolow and Howard J. Schwab, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent. Everyone who has studied the trial knows it was a sham. The defense rested without calling a single witness. Manson’s lawyers declined to cross examine most witnesses for the prosecution, and Manson was prevented by the judge from cross examining them himself, although he had asked to represent himself. There was no real evidence against Manson, and the prosecution even admitted he wasn’t at the murder scene and didn’t take part in it. He was convicted of masterminding it, not committing it. He was convicted solely on the basis of testimony of his fellow alleged perpetrators, who turned on him under duress from the State. This testimony came from a group of young girls who had done so many drugs they could barely speak. It was admitted that the main witnesses for the prosecution had taken as many as 300 acid trips in their short lives, so their brains were basically fried. The lead witness was Linda Kasabian, who also didn’t take part in the actual murders, but was nonetheless charged with seven counts of murder in order to scare her. She was given immunity for her testimony. Another main witness was Susan Atkins, who was given immunity from the death penalty for testimony against Manson, which she initially gave. However, Atkins sobered up for a moment later on and repudiated all that testimony. Kasabian revealed clear signs of coaching during the trial, and was obviously just repeating a story given to her by the State. The judge allowed magazine articles from LIFE and other places to be entered as evidence, even though those articles had pre-judged Manson and the other defendants based on hearsay. So why was this Nixon headline such a big deal? To be consistent, the judge should have just taken the newspaper out of Manson’s hand and entered it as “evidence.” Bugliosi tells us that Manson has been denied his writ of habeas corpus because he was not pro per (or pro se) at the time. What that means is that Manson wasn’t allowed to petition the court because he was not representing himself. Bugliosi tells us that Manson’s attorney needed to petition the court, since Manson had no standing. But that is all false, since anyone can petition a judge for habeas corpus. Every prisoner automatically has standing to file habeas corpus, and it has nothing to do with whether you are representing yourself or whether you have an attorney. In English common law, habeas corpus is known as the “great writ,” and it has the force of a court order. It cannot be overridden or ignored by a judge based on a technicality like pro per. To see Bugliosi standing there telling us a judge ruled against habeas corpus based on pro per is beyond corrupt. In any other trial, it would be the most extraordinary sign of corruption one could imagine, but in the Manson trial, it was just one of many. At the end of the trial, Manson was allowed to make a statement, but the jury was removed from the courtroom. The reason given was to prevent Manson from implicating his co-defendants, and they cited People v. Aranda to justify this. But this was nonsense of the first order, since Manson’s co-defendants had been implicating him for weeks. His entire conviction was based on testimony by his co-defendants. The trial was a mockery of justice from the first day. Bugliosi was allowed not only to railroad Manson and the other defendants, but also to concoct the story for the press. His book Helter Skelter has defined the story ever since, although it is nothing but fiction. We may assume he was fed the entire story by the CIA. No trial in history was so monumentally compromised from the first day as were the original Manson trials. Literally thousands of points of appeal were available to the defense, and everyone who followed the trials expected the appellate court to either overturn the convictions or return them to the lower court for a retrial. To confirm the proceedings of the lower court would be to admit on paper that the US legal system was finished. I think even Bugliosi expected that from the appellate court, and he no doubt looked forward to grandstanding for another year. But that isn’t what happened. I suppose the government decided it had gotten all the mileage it was going to get out of the story. The entire appellate decision is at, and I recommend you study it if you have any interest in the law. That decision may be even more corrupt than the original decision, since it is a decision not by a jury, but by judges who are supposed to know the law. The appellate court admits that chief prosecutor Bugliosi met in private with Manson several times, without the consent of Manson’s counsel Kanarek. The appellate court admits this is a “grave” violation of Manson’s Miranda rights. It admits that it is a violation by Bugliosi of the Rules of Professional Conduct, even citing the relevant clause: Bus. & Prof. Code, § 6076. But the appellate court chooses—completely mysteriously and without explanation—to do nothing about either. It neither overturns the conviction, nor sends it back to the lower court, nor brings Bugliosi up for disciplinary action. An interesting side note as to the term we have used so often of prejudicing the jury. On June 28, 1974, a Los Angeles Grand Jury indicted Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi and defense lawyer Daye Shin on three counts each of perjury. The LA Grand Jury indicted Vincent Bugliosi and another lawyer Daye Shin for perjury. They had been twice ordered to testify by LA Superior Court Judge Charles H. Older whether they had been the source for an October 9th, 1970 Herald Examiner news story by reporter Bill Farr which contained non-public information concerning the Manson – Tate murders that could taint and prejudice the perspective jury pool. Bugliosi and Shin were each charged with 3 counts of perjury for twice lying to Judge Older and once for lying to the Grand Jury. Of course as part of the plan ALL charges against both Bugliosi and Shin were dropped and Farr served a total of 46 days in jail. A little background on Bill Farr. His prolonged ordeal began in 1970, when he was a reporter for the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner assigned to the Charles Manson murder trial. Despite a gag order imposed by the judge on attorneys, witnesses and court personnel, Farr obtained and published a prospective witness’s account of purported plans by the Manson Family to murder such famed show business personalities as Frank Sinatra and Elizabeth Taylor. Farr refused to tell Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Charles H. Older where he had obtained the information, relying on a California “shield” law he believed protected reporters from being forced to name sources. But when Farr temporarily stepped from behind that shield to become press spokesman for then District Attorney Joseph Busch, Older ordered him to divulge his sources. When Farr refused, Older cited him for contempt of court. Farr returned to journalism, going to work for The Times in 1972, but it was too late to protect him from the order. Older ordered him jailed until he gave up the names. Farr was to concede later that he had erred in letting the judge know the sources were two attorneys, who are officers of the court. Vincent Bugliosi made a whole career out of the Charles Manson trial. As late as 2009, he still bragged about it. Bugliosi told the Observer newspaper in 2009, “The Manson murders sounded the death knell for hippies and all they symbolically represented… They closed an era. The 60s, the decade of love, ended on that night, on 9 August 1969.” I’ve included below a small timeline of 1969, just so you may see how crazy a year it was and in hindsight, perhaps you will have the foresight to also see that the CIA and FBI had much to do with the events that took place; Timeline of 1969  Mar 20 – John & Yoko fly to Gibraltar, get married then fly to Amsterdam for one week “lie-in” for peace  Mar 20 – James Earl Ray sentenced to 99 years for murder of Martin Luther King Jr.  Apr – 543,000 US troops now in Vietnam  Apr 4 – Smothers Brothers tv show canceled because it is too controversial  Apr 9 – 300 Harvard students led by SDS seize University Hall and evict eight deans  Apr 10 – Police called into Harvard, 37 injured, 200 arrested  Apr 11 – Start of 3-day student strike at Harvard  Apr 22 – Harvard faculty votes to create black studies program &  give students vote in selection of its faculty  Apr 22 – City College of NY closed after black & Puerto Rican students lock selves inside asking higher minority enrollment  Apr 23 – Sirhan Sirhan sentenced to death for murder of Bobby Kennedy  Apr 24 – U.S. B-52s launch biggest attack on North Vietnam. Protests in 40 cities  May 15 – Hippies in People’s Park in Berkeley attacked by police and National Guard  July 5 – Gary Hinman is killed by Manson follower Bobby Beausoleil, accompanied by Manson Family members Mary Brunner and Susan Atkins.  July – Stephen Gaskin starts The Farm commune in Tennessee.  July 3 – Brian Jones of Rolling Stones dies  July 14 – Easy Rider premieres  July 20 – Men walk on the Moon (allegedly)  July 27 – Police raid on gay bar in Greenwich Village, NYC results in Stonewall Uprising. 2000 protesters battle 400 police, start of Gay Liberation Movement  Aug 8- 9 – Sharon Tate & LaBiancas found murdered…  August 15 – 17 WOODSTOCK Festival 500,000 people gathered for three days of music and peace that changed the world  Aug 24 – Movie Alice’s Restaurant released with Arlo Guthrie  Aug 26 – FBI reports 98% increase in marijuana arrests from 1966 – 1968  Sept 3 – Ho Chi Min, leader of North Vietnam, dies  Sept 24 – Chicago Eight trial begins. Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin et. al charged with conspiracy to incite riots  Oct – Is Paul dead? Beatles controversy  October 5 – Manson and his followers are arrested at another remote location, called Barker Ranch, on suspicion of auto theft.  Oct 8-11 – The Weatherman “Days of Rage”  Oct 15 – Peace Day. 500,000 protesters nationwide. First Vietnam Moratorium (which I was at with my black arm band and we blocked the streets and stopped traffic)  Oct 21 – Jack Kerouac, beat author of “On the Road” dies.  Oct 30 – Supreme Court orders desegregation nationwide  Nov 15 – 500,000 + march in Washington DC for peace. Largest antiwar rally in U.S. history. Speakers: McCarthy, McGovern, Coretta King, Dick Gregory, Leonard Bernstein. Singers: Arlo Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Peter, Paul, & Mary, John Denver, Mitch Miller, touring cast of Hair 1969  Nov 17 – First round of SALT talks in Helsinki  November 18 – Deputy District Attorney Vincent T. Bugliosi is assigned Manson case.  Nov 20 – 78 American Indians seize Alcatraz Island and demand its return  Nov 20 – DDT use banned in residential areas  Nov 24 – Lt. William Calley charged with murdering 102 South Vietnamese civilians at My Lai  Dec – Over 100,000 US troops dead or injured in Vietnam.  Dec 1 – First draft lottery since WWII held in NYC  December 8 – Manson, Watson, Atkins, Krenwinkel and Kasabian are indicted for the murders of Sharon Tate and her friends. The grand jury also indicts the five, plus Van Houten, for the LaBianca murders.  Dec 8 – Raid on Black Panther headquarters in LA – four-hour shoot-out  Dec 24 – Rolling Stones “Altamont” concert erupts in violence, one spectator killed I was 14 years old in 1969 when I first heard about Charles Manson. What followed was not lost on my young teenage mind, eyes, ears and understanding; at the time the recurring question in my mind was “why”, why would Charlie do this? Oh sure the absurd excuses of starting a race war between blacks and whites, never ever had any ring of truth to me. Too crazy and infantile… stemming ONLY the military intelligence could come up with. I learned their stories were always coated and tainted with the absurd and simplicity of knowing that the story would have to be told to a majority of people who were racist and simple minded and wanted to believe evil existed. Of course it was answered quickly by the traitors that pretended to stand by him as they sold each him out for their 30 pieces of silver…first Susan Atkins, and later Linda Kasabian. Things progressed that summer and autumn into the new year where most of us were unaware that a human being, a man who under the law is innocent till proven guilty, was stripped of his constitutional rights, his dignity, his basic human rights, his integrity and his humanity. Created as a monster, as the worst person in history since Hitler, as the greatest and most evil mass murderer of all time. The state and the government and the 15 and people invested in the Private Military Industrial Complex needed to end the reign of the Hippies. The word which came to my mind was “patsy” a term I heard for the first time in November 1963 uttered by that day’s scapegoat, Lee Harvey Oswald. Charles Manson was a patsy and perhaps at the time part Manchurian Candidate. Charles Manson killed nobody in the Sharon Tate home or in the LaBianca home. He was being charged with these murders and he didn’t kill any one of those seven people. He was used. He was a person who had been in jail twenty-two of his thirty-two years of life. He was the product of our penal system. He was not a hippie or a part of the youth culture. They bought him a guitar, let his hair grow, put a leather jacket on him, gave him money, gave him a bus and credit cards, and told him to do his thing. Charles Manson was a part of our penal system, and also a part of our Federal penal system, where today through declassified documents, testimony before congress and the senate and Freedom of Information, that he was shaped by the CIA and FBI and the state, and then he was used till they were done with him, and then he was buried by the corrupt prosecutorial judicial as a product of our penal system and buried by the media in the same way the media used the 9/11 story to bury Osama Bin Laden. He was used as the big sledge hammer to slam down and smash the hippies forever, and they succeeded. The truth is out there if you care to find it. Charles Manson was at worst, a victim and patsy of the most implausible, ramshackle, fourth rate totally HEARSAY and a whiff of circumstantial evidence, they don’t even allow hearsay evidence on Judge Judy…. at best he was 1000% completely innocent. He was used in the worst way as the sacrificial lamb to damn and end the hippies and their mantra and life style of love and peace and rock & roll and drugs (drugs courtesy of american government) and portray them as the ultimate evil. The sacrificial lamb in the disguise of a madman. I do hope you take the time to explore and research this subject. On December 6, 1969 was the concert at The Altamont Speedway Free Festival and the murder of Meredith Curly Hunter Jr. by the Hell’s Angels, to put the final nail into the coffin of the love and hippie generation and movement. When I started this article, I wanted to challenge what I believed and knew, I actually sought information other than from the Prosecutor or from the mass media that would prove me wrong and show me Charles Manson was guilty as charged…I looked, I read, I studied and I immersed myself completely in facts, the actual court proceedings and trial transcripts … and you know what, I still haven’t seen, read, or heard any proof that he is guilty of anything! No matter how hard I research the past, the only thing that seems to say he is guilty is the state, the media, and public opinion due to the media. Manson did not kill anyone and it is only the defense of the actual killers, that Manson had ordered them to do it. This is purely the defense trying to distance the guilty from responsibility and to implicate Manson as doing the same as the murderers and that Manson receives as harsh a sentence as mass murderers simply based on those murderer’s second hand hearsay and very flimsy if any circumstantial evidence that he told them to do it… a prosecution like this would not even work on The Judge Judy show to find someone guilty of anything. The very last point I want to bring up is that throughout this article there are events and facts, and circumstances that suggest strongly Charlie Manson was CIA and worked whether willingly or unwillingly for the government. I have found no definitive proof either way, I cited the facts as they exist. The one thing I will say is, if you watch Manson’s interviews, and really listen, he is quite clearly very knowledgeable and intelligent for someone who barely ever went to school. He can speak on any subject and will always make a strong point. He seems to enjoy every once in a while to throw in things like making faces, or saying crazy off the wall dialog to throw you off, all the while knowing exactly what he is doing. Unfortunately, people only hear what they want to hear. They will remember his few insane moments and totally disregard his incredibly accurate, damning speeches and quotes that are in the same class as some very learned men. I will say this with no hesitation, fact is I agree with almost everything he says. Go look up the police reports and go through all the evidence. Review the case and trial yourself. There was a serious mistrial. There was evidence excluded that would have him walking free and false evidence included to get him convicted. Manson had nothing to do with it. Tex Watson killed all 7 of the victims, it was a drug deal gone bad. It’s not hard to put all the pieces together if you don’t buy into all the propaganda. This has nothing to do with the fact that I am a huge fan of Charles Manson, this is entirely to do with the fact that I am an even bigger fan of the truth and justice. And even more sadly, tragically and pathetically, this continues even into 2016 as stated in a recent article- “Technically, he never murdered anybody, but the way people look at Manson is that he is such a charismatic individual that had the ability to control people. Essentially, all of his followers were doing his bidding. They were doing what he wanted them to do, when he wanted them to do it, how he wanted to do it. His followers were an extension of him.” How ABSOLUTELY ABSURD and SIMPLEMINDED, VAPID and IDIOTIC is this quote and what we have been continuously told and shown to us by the media over the last 47 years, and they are still at it, if you want to get a knee jerk reaction out of someone, mention “Adolph Hitler” or “Charles Manson” and people’s minds, perceptions, intelligence and perspective just shut down. I have thought to include an address for anyone who wishes to correspond with Charles Manson, before it’s too late. He is in his 80’s and time is the enemy. Not sure if the address is valid any longer but all the information I gathered says it is; From the website. If you wish to contact Charles Manson by mail, please be aware that all out-going and in-coming mail to the prison is read and examined by CDCR staff. Please do not send cash by mail. The best way to put money on Charlie’s account is to use credit or debit card at (California DOCR, Inmate ID # b33920) for an automatic transfer. As of April 2015, inmates cannot receive checks or money orders sent directly to the prison. To send check or money order, go to and print the money order deposit slip. Charlie’s mailing address is: Charles Manson B-33920 P.O. Box 3456 H.U.A.-22 Corcoran, CA 93212 Below are most of the sources I used to confirm the information in this article; Neon Nettle CIA Miles W. Mathis Bobby Beausoleil interview by Truman Capote Mae Brussels Hester Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi New York Daily News The Tate Murders – The Monsters Dupe Us Again TyrannyNewsNetwork Youtube You should never believe everything you read, everything you are told and everything you think you know.” – Guido Colacci 2016